

17% Of UK Adults Don’t Know Grammar Rules

September 27, 2021

A recent study found that 1 in 5 English speaking adults don't understand basic English grammar.

The study aimed to find how much information we remember from high school. The results <tipso revealed>revealed<tipso revealed> that a large amount of UK adults have forgotten English grammar.

More <tipso specifically>specifically<tipso specifically>, 17% of adults do not know the difference between a noun, a verb, and an adjective.

Noun as objects, adjectives as descriptive, and verbs as “the doing word” are all taught to primary school children in the UK.

The study, <tipso conducted>conducted<tipso conducted> by stationary company Stabilo, found that UK adults had the most difficulty in explaining the difference between these basic grammar points, as well as more advanced grammar points.

In addition, 1 in 5 adults could not quote any sentences from the <tipso works>works<tipso works> of William Shakespeare.

Vanya Hunter, with Stabilo UK, said: “This research is <tipso fascinating>fascinating<tipso fascinating>, <tipso highlighting>highlighting<tipso highlighting> the things which many have forgotten.”

Math subjects, such as basic algebra and trigonometry, have also been forgotten by around 50% of UK adults.

Pythagoras theorem, long <tipso division>division<tipso division>, and how to <tipso calculate>calculate<tipso calculate> Pi had also been forgotten by around 1/3 of adults, according to the study.

32% of adults also could not name more than 10 elements on the periodic table.

And 22% of adults have forgotten basic Geography, as they could not locate certain places in the world.

What subjects do you remember least from high school? Which was the most difficult for you?

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