

Airbnb offers accommodation to 20,000 Afghan Refugees

August 25, 2021

Airbnb is offering Afghan <tipso refugee>refugees<tipso refugee> to stay in its rooms for free after the recent <tipso crisis>crisis<tipso crisis> in Afghanistan. The CEO, Brian Chesky, also asked Airbnb hosts to help.

On twitter, he wrote:

"Starting today, Airbnb will begin <tipso housing>housing<tipso housing> 20,000 Afghan refugees <tipso globally>globally<tipso globally> for free. If you're willing to host a refugee family, reach out and I'll connect you with the right people here to make it happen!"

Credit: GettyImages

People in Afghanistan are <tipso forced>forced<tipso forced> to escape their country after the Taliban <tipso seized>seized<tipso seized> power for the first time in 20 years.

A <tipso spokesperson>spokesperson<tipso spokesperson> from the Taliban announced that nobody will be able to leave the country after August 31st during a <tipso pconference>press conference<tipso pconference> last week.

This isn't the first time Airbnb has helped people in a crisis. Since 2012, they have offered free accommodation to over 75,000 people involved in difficult situations. The company has properties in about 100,000 different cities around the world.

Have you ever used Airbnb whilst travelling? How was your experience?

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