

This Cartoon is Teaching British English to American Children

August 16, 2021

<tipso ndays>Nowadays<tipso ndays>, children in America are speaking British English thanks to a British cartoon.

This cartoon is called called Peppa Pig. Have you seen it before?

Peppa Pig has become very popular in America and children watch it everyday.

Now, they are using British words and British <tipso axent>accents<tipso axent> often.

For example, they say "telly" <tipso inst_of>instead of<tipso inst_of>"TV"

or "Father Christmas" instead of "Santa Claus"

Also, their english has become more polite.

They say "please" and "thank you" more <tipso than_b4>than before<tipso than_b4>.

Their parents <tipso must_b>must be<tipso must_b> <tipso stun>stunned<tipso stun>!

Because Peppa Pig is for young children, I think it's a good TV show for beginners.

<tipso infact>In fact<tipso infact>, many people watch this show to study a language.

So if you're a beginner, I <tipso recom>recommend<tipso recom> watching it to learn English

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